Vibrator Jokes / Recent Jokes

I was really angry when my mates got me an anal vibrator for my birthday.
I hated them for it, but now, I've put it behind me.....

Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator??
A: "Why the hell are you shaking? She's gonna eat me!"

An obnoxious drunk in a bar keeps hitting on an a lesbian waiting for her date. The drunk just won't take no for an answer.

"Tell you what, I'll sleep with you if you can name one thing a man can do for me that my vibrator can't!" the lesbian smirks.

The obnoxious drunk thinks for a moment. "Okay, let's see your vibrator buy the next round of drinks!"

Effectively inducing an orgasm in a woman can be complicated, even with the assistance of machinery. I was using a vibrator on a girl one time and I figured applying the vibrator at full speed to her clit would get the job done, but no. Somehow, her clit managed to move around underneath, so I had to keep repositioning it. She was giving me directions the whole time: "up...left...left...down...right...up..." I felt as if I was playing Dance Dance Revagina...or Clitar Hero...or Hymen Simon.

a banana and a vibrator were sitting on a bed side table banana turned to the vibrator i dont know why ur shakin shes gonna f*** eat me!!!