Snacker Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Q: what do you call two lesbians floating down a river
    A: Fur Traders
    Q: How can you tell if a lesbian is butch?
    A: She kick starts her vibrator and rolls her own tampons.
    Q: Whats the difference between a lesbian driving in the fog and eating pussy?
    A: When u are eating pussy you can still see the asshole in front of you!
    Q: What did one lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire?
    A: "I'll see you next month."
    Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    A: Four. One to change it, two to organize the potluck and one to write a folk song about the empowering experience
    Q: Why don't fem lesbians go on dates?
    A: Because it's hard to eat Jenny Craig when you've got Mary Kay on your face.
    Q: Have you heard about the new lesbian tennis shoe called "Dyke"?
    A: It has an extra long tongue and it only takes one finger to get it off!
    Q: Have you heard about the new lesbian style of running shoe: the more...

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