Teen Jokes / Recent Jokes

Having moved into his first apartment, our son invited my husband and I for a visit.As we walked in, our son asked if we'd like a cold drink.Mentally patting myself on the back for teaching him to be such a gracious host, I said, "Yes, what do you have?"He walked over to the refrigerator, opened the door, studied the contents, and then replied, "I have pickle juice or water."

When we put our house up for sale, I stressed emphatically that my sons make their beds each morning. I left for work before they left for school, and I wanted to be sure that the house looked presentable when the agent showed it to prospective buyers.I was surprised and impressed that my 15-year-old son's bed was perfectly made each day. One night when I went into his room, I discovered his secret.He was fast asleep on the floor in his sleeping bag.

Like all growing boys, my teenage grandson was constantly hungry, I went to the refrigerator to find something he might like. After poking around a bit and moving the milk and juice cartons, I spotted
a bowl of leftover chili.I called out to him excitedly. He came running into the kitchen. "Look! I found some chili."Struggling to be polite, he said, "If you're that surprised, I'm not really sure I want it."

One day, a teen went to the docter, and said: "DOCTOR! Whenever I go to the bathroom, nickels come out!" The docter replies, "Drink lots of water, and keep your feet elevated." The next week, the teen comes back and says that dimes come out. The doctor says the same thing. Next week, he says that quarters are coming. Then half dollars. The doctor finally replies, "You're at the time where you go through change."

For their anniversary, a couple went out for a romantic dinner. Their teenage daughters said they would fix a dessert and leave it waiting. When they got home, they saw that the dining room table was beautifully set with china, crystal and candles, and there was a note that read: "Your dessert is in the refrigerator. We are staying with friends, so go ahead and do something we wouldn't do!" "I suppose," the husband responded dryly, "we could clean the house."

My teenaged niece was nervous as she took the wheel for her first driving lesson. As she was pulling out of the parking lot, the instructor said, "Turn left here, and don't forget to let the people behind you know what you're doing."She turned to the students sitting in the back seat and announced, "I'm going left."

The teenage son was having trouble mastering the fine points of balancing his new checking account."The bank returned the check you wrote to the sporting goods store," his mother said."Oh good," he replied, "Now I can use it to buy some stereo equipment!"