Facebook Jokes / Recent Jokes

Some people are staying away from Facebook because they feel that they're getting addicted, according to The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery. I'm a bit worried too, as my time on Facebook is starting to affect the 11 hours a day I spend playing "Halo 3".

Atlanta Falcons lineman Quinn Ojinnaka was arrested after fighting with his wife about his Facebook activity. He posted bond because he was scared of going to prison and really being poked.

So if someone is your best friend on Facebook...would that make them your B-F-FF?

Facebook is an amazing way to pass time when your board. It's filled with games and quizes you can do while not connecting with your friends. I recently took the "How Many Sexual Partners You Have in 2009/2010" quiz.

My results - "None, because your lame ass spends too much time taking douchey ass survey's on Facebook, when you should probably be at the bar looking for women who leave their drinks unattended."

Variety reported today that Fox News Channel has updated their Facebook page with an enhanced video player. They also announced to their'friends' that they have filled out a survey, discovered which celebrities they most resemble and have started an on-line mafia for all to join. God Bless America.

Authorities say the Mafia has a big presence on the social networking site, Facebook. It's easy to spot a mobster's profile--all the personal items say "None of your friggin business. The less you know the better." except for their hobbies, which are "Doing favors for people" and "Controlling all the trash hauling in Second Life."