Credits Jokes / Recent Jokes

New Republican GOP agenda - the Top Ten House Republican initiatives:
Eliminate the Department of Health and Human Services, all Occupational Safety and Health laws and regulations, and Luxury Taxes, and use the savings to eliminate the corporate income tax.
Restore the House on Un-American Activities Committee (Robert Dornan to be Chairman) and eliminate the Ethics Committee.
Provide tax credits for home schooling.
Repeal all gun control laws and provide tax incentives for private militia.
Eliminate all Federal election funding and regulations, and repeal the voting rights act.
Right to Work Act: Repeal anti-competition laws and outlaw labor monopoly groups.
Pass a "anti-flag burning" constitutional amendment to protect patriotic emblems such as "Old Glory," the "Stars-and-Bars," "Star-Spangled Banner," "Dixie," and maybe the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Provide tax credit for mothers to more...

The president of this big university was walking down the campus when he noticed this young fellow
walking around and talking to himself. Being a responsible president, he stopped by to have a chat
with the young man.
"Good morning, young man. What seems to be the problem? Can I be of any assistance?" asked the
president. The young student looked at him and said, "Well I do not know. Maybe you can tell me why I
am doing so poorly in this school."
Being a responsible president, he could not be happier to talk to the young man. "How long have you
been at this school?" asked the president. "This is my fourth semester." answered the student. "Well,
that is great. How many credits have you earned so far and what is your GPA?" asked president. "Well
that is where my problem actually is. I have earned zero credits and my GPA is also zero." replied
the student. Obviously shocked, the more...