Wyoming Jokes / Recent Jokes

Dumb Wyoming laws and humor, relating to many aspects of the state, its weather, and its people.

Wyoming Crazy Law You may not take a picture of a rabbit during the month of June.

Coleman moved to Wyoming and was sitting in the unemployment office applying for a job. "Have you any experience in coal mining?" asked the clerk. "Yeah, in Pennsylvania," he replied. "They're using that new safety lamp down there now, aren't they?" "Ah don't know, mister," said Coleman. "I worked on the day shift."

A game warden stops a duck hunter at the end of a days hunt and asks to check his birds. The hunter says, "Sure, go right ahead."
The warden picks up the first duck puts his finger up its ass and smells it and says, "This is a Utah duck. Do you have a Utah license?" The man pulls out his wallet and shows him his Utah license.
The warden picks up the second duck puts his finger up its ass, smells it and says, "This is a Wyoming duck. Do you have a Wyoming license?" The man shows him his Wyoming license.
The warden then picks up the third duck sticks his finger up its ass and says, "This here is a Colorado duck. Do you have a Colorado hunting license?" The hunter shows him his Colorado hunting license.
The game warden says, "You sure do carry a lot of hunting licenses with you. Where you from anyway?"
The hunter drops his drawers bends over and says, "You're so damn smart, you tell me!"

Knock Knock
Who's there!
Wyoming who?
Wyoming so mean to me!

Obesity has been getting a lot of bad press recently. Research conducted entirely by thin people, has uncovered justification for their own masochistic obsessive-compulsive, fun-killing anal retentative lifestyles. One of the great problems with research, of course, is that the researchers tend to find what they're looking for. And when they find it, they stop looking for other things. It's important, therefore, not to believe research by pressure groups that start with preconceived ideas. Examples of findings not to believe: research on the benefits of exercise by phys. Ed. Department, on the hazards of cholesterol by an anorexic and on the joy of obesity by an overweight G. P. The whole obesity phobia was started by some statistics from a life insurance company purporting to show that people who were overweight didn't live as long as people who were underweight. These were very raw figures and led to some unwarranted conclusions. First, it was assumed that if the overweight group more...