Rove Jokes / Recent Jokes

Karl Rove says that President Bush would veto bills allowing expanded embryonic stem-cell research, saying "We were all an embryo at one point."
But look what happened to some of those embroys--they grew up to become Karl Rove and President Bush.

PS Is anyone looking into directing research into discovering which embryos will turn into evil douchebags?

"Scooter Libby, who got indicted, has set up a legal defense fund to help pay his legal bills. It's pretty good, for a $1,000 donation you get a hand-written thank you note and the name of a CIA agent." --Jay Leno

"Libby was indicted on two counts of obstruction of justice, three counts of perjury, and one count of not being as smart as Karl Rove." --Jon Stewart

"What did Scooter Libby say when he bumped into President Bush at the White House?. .. Pardon me." --Jay Leno

"Outside the courthouse, Libby's lawyer said all he wants to do is clear his client's good name. I don't know, Scooter? Is that a good name?" --Jay Leno

"Vice President Dick Cheney's former assistant, Scooter Libby, pleaded not guilty to the Yeah, the weird thing is since his name is Scooter, he's being tried in juvenile court." --Conan O'Brien

"Dick Cheney's right-hand man Scooter Libby has been indicted. By more...

Senate Democrats are pressing their campaign to have White House political guru Karl Rove field questions before a congressional committee on the dismissal of eight federal prosecutors.

Rove, however, won’t agree to testify unless these guidelines are met:

1) He won’t testify under oath.
2) Democrats can’t ask Rove about the dismissal of the prosecutors.
3) If Charles Schumer asks any questions, he must do it in a high pitched Scottish brogue.
4) Rove won’t answer any questions until after the Vancouver Olympics.
5) There should be a water hose easily available, since Rove’s testimony will probably cause his pants go on fire.
6) Rove will only answer questions only after the last US troops leave Iraq
7) The Democrats agree to spot the Republican extra 250 electoral votes in the next election.
8) If Rove is convicted, then Scooter Libby serves his jail sentence.
9) Fox News gets exclusive rights to moderate and televise the more...

As the trial for vice-presidential adviser Scooter Libby gets under way, the defendant claims that he’s a scapegoat for the actions of Karl Rove. Rove denied the allegations, and then released the names of all the jurors.