Nasrudin Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day Nasrudin saw a strange-looking building at whose door a contemplative Yogi sat. The Mulla decided that he would learn something from this impressive figure, and started a conversation by asking him who and what he was.
"I am a Yogi," said the other, "and I spend my time in trying to attain harmony with all living things."
"That is interesting," said Nasrudin, "because a fish once saved my life."
The Yogi begged him to join him, saying that in a lifetime devoted to trying to harmonize himself with the animal creation, he had never been so close to such communion as the Mulla had been.
When they had been contemplating for some days, the Yogi begged the Mulla to tell him more of his wonderful experience with the fish, "now that we know one another better."
"Now that I know you better," said Nasrudin, "I doubt whether you would profit by what I have to tell."
But the Yogi more...

One day a gan of theives came to Nasrudin's house, Nasrudin
was hiding under the bad. The theives searched the house for valuales, but didn't find any. Finnaly thives saw Nasrudin hiding under the bed.
The thives asked her "Why are you hiding?"and, Nasrudin said "I am very embarrassed because there is nothing for you to take"

One night a neighbor found Nasrudin down on his knees looking for something under the street light.
"What have you lost, Mulla?"
"My key," said Nasrudin.
After a few minutes of searching, the other man said, "Where did you drop it?"
"By my house."
"Then why, for heaven's sake, are you looking here?"
"There is more light here."

One night a neighbor found Nasrudin down on his knees looking for something under the street light.
"What have you lost, Mulla?"
"My key," said Nasrudin.
After a few minutes of searching, the other man said, "Where did you drop it?"
"By my house."
"Then why, for heaven's sake, are you looking here?"
"There is more light here."

One day Nasrudin was walking along a deserted road. Night was
falling as he spied a troop of horsemen coming toward him. His
imagination began to work, and he feared that they might rob him,
or impress him into the army. So strong did this fear become that
he leaped over a wall and found himself in a graveyard. The other
travelers, innocent of any such motive as had been assumed by
Nasrudin, became curious and pursued him.
When they came upon him lying motionaless, one said, "Can we help
you? And, why are you here in this position?"
Nasrudin, realizing his mistake said, "It is more complicated
than you assume. You see, I am here because of you; and you, you
are here because of me."
One day he disagreed with the prior of a monastery at which he
was staying. Shortly afterward, a bag of rice was missing. more...