Mulla Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    One warm day, Mulla Nasruddin was taking it easy in the shade of a walnut tree. After a time, he started eyeing speculatively, the huge pumpkins rising on vines and the small walnuts growing on a majestic tree.

    Sometimes I just can't understand the ways of God! He mused. Just fancy letting tiny walnuts grow on so majestic a tree and huge pumpkins on the delicate vines!

    Just then a walnut snapped off and cut down smack on Mulla Nasruddin's hairless head. He got up at once and lifting up his hands and face to heavens in supplication, said:

    Oh, my God! Forgive my inquiring your ways! You are all-wise. Where would I have been now, if pumpkins grew on trees!

    One day some intelligent men, who were going about the nation trying to find answers to some of the great questions of their time, came to Mulla Nasruddin's region and asked to see the wisest man in the place.

    Mulla Nasruddin was brought forward, and a big crowd gathered to listen.

    The first intelligent guy began by asking, "Where is the exact center of the world?"

    "It is under my right heel," answered Mulla Nasruddin.

    "How can you confirm that?" asked the first intelligent man.

    "If you don't believe me," answered Mulla Nasruddin, "measure and see."

    The first clever guy had nothing to respond to that, so the second wise guy asked his question. "How many stars are there in the sky?" he said.

    "As many as there are hairs on my donkey," answered Mulla Nasruddin.

    "What evidence have you got of that?" asked the second more...

    One day Nasrudin saw a strange-looking building at whose door a contemplative Yogi sat. The Mulla decided that he would learn something from this impressive figure, and started a conversation by asking him who and what he was.
    "I am a Yogi," said the other, "and I spend my time in trying to attain harmony with all living things."
    "That is interesting," said Nasrudin, "because a fish once saved my life."
    The Yogi begged him to join him, saying that in a lifetime devoted to trying to harmonize himself with the animal creation, he had never been so close to such communion as the Mulla had been.
    When they had been contemplating for some days, the Yogi begged the Mulla to tell him more of his wonderful experience with the fish, "now that we know one another better."
    "Now that I know you better," said Nasrudin, "I doubt whether you would profit by what I have to tell."
    But the Yogi more...

    One night a neighbor found Nasrudin down on his knees looking for something under the street light.
    "What have you lost, Mulla?"
    "My key," said Nasrudin.
    After a few minutes of searching, the other man said, "Where did you drop it?"
    "By my house."
    "Then why, for heaven's sake, are you looking here?"
    "There is more light here."

    One day Mulla was invited to a meeting they asked him unexpectedly to make an speech. He did go on the tribune and asked; does any of you people know what I am going to talk about? People look at each others and said, No.
    He then said, "than I never make speech for such an ignorance people" and left the meeting. Once he left people put their mind together and decided to invite Mulla for another time to come and make speech for them. At the same time they agreed that if Mulla ask them same question they all would say "yes".
    For second time he came to the meeting and asked "does any of you knows what I am going to talk about? They all responded "yes" than he said if you already know then there is no need for my speech and he left.
    This time people got realy pist off and they again decided to invite him for speech but this time they agreed to divide themselves and half of them say "Yes" and the other half say "NO" if more...

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