Birth Control Jokes / Recent Jokes

...found out recently that my mother gave serious consideration to having me aborted....after consulting with her doctors, they advised against the their decision, they stated as reasons her age, her medical condition, and the fact that i was about to turn 17...

...a Polish woman is suing an Egyptian hotel after claiming her daughter became pregnant after swimming in the hotel pool. The judge dismissed the suit as "inconceivable."

...a study has shown that teen pregnancy is up among teens who watch "racy" TV shows like "Sex and the City", "Friends", and "Hey! We're Teenagers, Lets Get Pregnant!"

I've been drinking at a bar that used to be an abortion clinic. They have a drink called the "coathanger". It's made of one part regret and two parts relief..Oh and a twist of lime.

Prego Italian sauce is coming out with a new product for pregnant women.It will have saucy nutrients and vitamins.So go out and buy some brand new Preggo!

Since Obama has been elected president I have relatives saying, "He's gonna kill all the babies." I hate to tell you all that we are in an economic crisis. So kill the babies. Dead babies save money

The grand opening of the abortion clinic excited the locals.