Todd Jokes / Recent Jokes

What do you call a minor bird accident?
A feather bender.
Why did the duck go ring-ring?
He got a phone bill.
What did the little bird say to the big bird?
Peck on someone your own size.
What do you call a formal dance for ducks?
A fowl ball.
What kind of ducks rob banks?
Safe quackers.
Why was the duck unhappy?
His bill was in the mail.
Why did the pigeon need to get out?
He was cooped up at home all week.
Which bird does construction work?
The crane!
Which birds work underground?
Myna (miner) birds.
What kind of doctor treats a duck?
A quack doctor!
What kind of weather excites a pet duck?
Fowl weather, of course!
What holiday is strictly observed by all birds?
Feather's Day!
Where can birds play professional baseball?
In the mynah leagues!
How can you tell a miser more...