Television Jokes / Recent Jokes

American Idol's Adam Lambert says he's gay. Ryan Seacrest has said, "I probably should stop making out with him then?"

Russian Sergey Savelyev screamed at 116.8 decibels - roughly as loud as an ambulance siren - to win the individual competition. The team competition was won by the cast of The View.

When I saw a headline that Letterman was on top the last four weeks, I thought it was referring to his ratings.

You know you watch too much television when you see a comerical and say...
"Oh! That's the short version of that comerical."

Next on "48 Hours": the Letterman Sex Tapes or "Top Ten Ways to Tickle My Funny Boner"

Dave Letterman admitted last night during his show to having done some "terrible and embarrassing things" over the years. I dunno, I kind of like those Top Ten Lists of his...

Oprah has announced today that her show will be ending in September of 2011…or 15 months earlier than the Mayans predicted.