Insults Jokes / Recent Jokes

I love you.
edited: I hope something eats you.

1. You don't like newbies.
2.You are #1 on this website.
3. You pretend to know everything.
4. You dislike AC3P1L07
5. You nail people for doing what you did.
6. You yell DUPE if someone you don't know posts anything.
7. Coincidently you only report it if it really is.
8. You received a message from AC3P1L07 saying to f*** off
9. AC3P1L07 hates you.
10. Your user name is ANCHMIKE

Money may not grow on trees, but it would seem as if morons like you certainly do.

1. You go to a AA meeting to buy batteries.
2. You stare at a carton of OJ because it says concentrate.
3. You voted for Kerry.
4. You're still living there.
5. Your earliest memories are of a cave.

My T.V. has more channels then your IQ, and I DON'T EVEN HAVE CABLE!

Little girl: My head hurts.
Little boy: Really?
Little girl: Yes.
Little boy: Well does your face hurt?
Little girl: No, why?
Little boy: Because its killing me! Ha ha ha!
Little girl: So not funny!!

A newspaper columnist was found guilty and fined for calling a countess a cow. When the trial ended and the man paid his fine, he asked the judge, since it was now clear he couldn't call a countess a cow, could he call a cow a countess?
The judge said it was all right to do so. Whereupon the newspaperman turned to the countess in the courtroom, bowed elaborately, and said, "How do you do, Countess?"