Divide Jokes / Recent Jokes

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Two Boy Scouts went on a nature hike in the hills picking hickory nuts. Along the way, they filled their small pails and then started to fill their pockets and shirts.
When they could hold no more nuts, they started down the country road until they came upon a cemetery. The boys decided that it would be a good place to stop and rest to divide the nuts.
The two boys sat in the shade of a large oak tree and unloaded their pockets and buckets by dumping all of the nuts into a large pile. In the process, two of the nuts rolled away and settled near the road. The boys then proceeded to divide the nuts.
"One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me..."
As they were doing this, another boy passed by and happened to hear them. He looked into the cemetery, but could not see the boys, because they were obscured by the tree. He hesitated a moment and then ran back to town.
"Father! Father!" he yelled as he entered his house. "The cemetery. Come more...

"Divide fourteen sugar cubes into three cups of coffee so that each cup has an odd number of sugar cubes in it."
"That's easy: one, one, and twelve."
"But twelve isn't odd!"
"It's an odd number of cubes to put in a cup of coffee..."

Two Boy Scouts were picking hickory nuts while on a nature hike in the hills. They filled their pails to the brim and then began to fill their pockets. When they were unable to hold any more, they went down the country road and stopped when they came to a cemetery, deciding that would be a good place to rest and divide the nuts between them.
Sitting in the shade of an old oak tree, they emptied their pails and pockets by dumping all of the nuts in a large pile on the ground. In the process of doing this, two rolled away and rested by the road. The boys then proceeded to divide the nuts, "One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me."
As they were doing this, another boy was passing by and happened to hear them. He looked into the cemetery, but couldn't see the boys because they were hidden by the tree. He hesitated a moment and then ran back to town.
"Dad! Dad!" he yelled as he ran inside his house. "The cemetery. Come more...

Two boy scouts went on a nature hike in the hills picking hickory
nuts. Along the way, they filled their small pails and then
started to fill their pockets and shirts.
When they could hold no more nuts, they started down the country
road until they came across a cemetery. The boys decided that
would be a good place to stop and rest and divide out the nuts.
The two boys sat in the shade of a large oak tree and unloaded
their pockets and buckets by dumping all of the nuts in a large
In the process, two of them rolled away and rested near the road.
The boys then proceeded to divide out the nuts. "One for you. One
for me. One for you. One for me..."
As they were doing this, another boy was passing by and happened
to hear them. He looked into the cemetery, but could not see the
boys, because they were obscured by the tree. He hesitated a
moment and then ran back to town.
"Father! more...