Cereal Jokes / Recent Jokes

Who eats cereal and plays golf?
Tony the Tiger Woods.

Q: What kind of cereal does Mike Tyson eat?
A: Eareeios

Knock Knock Who's there! Cereal! Cereal who? Cereal pleasure to meet you!

Did you hear about the man who drowned in his breakfast cereal? He was eating muesli when a strong currant dragged him under.

by Robert Chen
You should not attempt any these things. The following is meant for entertainment purposes only.
31. Switch the label on skim milk with the one on whole milk.
32. Yell to someone walking by, "I'll take two hot dogs, and my son will have some peanuts."
33. After getting all your food, sit down. Start arranging your food alphabetically, from left to right. Ask the person next to you whether you should put orange juice under "o" or "j."
34. Bring in a television and VCR. Set it up to play "Faces of Death." Eat avidly as you describe each screen to everyone. Embellish. Don't be afraid to speak while your mouth is full.
35. Get a large container and fill it with milk. Pour its contents into the cereal dispenser. Dispense cereal. Complain about how you always get too much milk.
36. Go up to someone you don't know and say, "Can I toast your buns?"
37. Talk to your food. Tell it to quit more...