Biscuit Jokes / Recent Jokes

Thing to keep you occupied at the office while you avoid work!
1. Run one lap around the office at top speed
2. Groan out loud in the toilet cubicle (at least one other' non-player' must be in the toilet at the time).
3. Ignore the first five people who say' good morning' to you.
4. Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."
5. To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your head.
6. When someone hands you a piece of paper, finger it, and whisper huskily, Mmmmmmm, that feels soooooo good!"
7. Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way".
8. Walk sideways to the photocopier.
9. While riding in a lift, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.
1. Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with more...

A blind man is standing at the corner with his seeing eye dog waiting to cross the street, when his pooch lifts his leg and pisses down the side of his nice herringbone tweed trousers.

The guy immediately reaches into his jacket pocket and retrieves a doggie biscuit which he starts to offer to Fido.

A businessman, who is also waiting to cross the street, observes this happening and interrupts, "Excuse me buddy, but are you aware of the fact that your dog just pissed all down the leg of your pants?"

"Yes, I'm trying to break him of this dreadful habit", replies the blind man.

"Well, it's none of my business," says the onlooker, "but you're not going to teach him much by rewarding him with a biscuit!"

To which the blind fellow chuckles, "Oh I'm not rewarding him. I'm just trying to find his head so I can kick his ass!"

Did you hear about the fight in the biscuit tin?
Well the bandit hit the yoyo with club, tied him with a blue ribbon and got away in a taxi...


Banta after coming from work was very hungry. He asked for something to eat from Preeto. Preeto gave him a sandwich. It did not satiate his hunger. Craving for more, he opened the fridge and ate the leftover chicken with 4 slices of toasted bread.
Still uncontended, he opened the grocery cupboard and ate one biscuit. He couldn't eat any more.
He regretfully told his wife Preeto, "Had I known that biscuit would satiate my hunger, I would have taken it instead of eating the sandwich and the leftovers."