1987 Jokes / Recent Jokes

I read in an AP newswire dated 10 September 1994 that Fred and Beverly Klatt, who got married in 1987, finally received their marriage license in the mail this week.
Fred said: "I'm sure glad to see that it's official now."
Beverly found the envelope on Wednesday, in an "Express Mail" envelope hanging on their door, postmarked June 10, 1987.
The Klatts claim they still have faith in the postal service, "but not like I used to, that's for sure."

Q: How many firemen does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Four--one to change the bulb and three to cut a hole in the roof.

Q: How many mutants does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two thirds.

Q: How many waiters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, even a burned out bulb can't catch a waiter's eye.

Q: How many waitresses does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Three. Two to stand around complaining about it and one to go get the manager.

Q: How many Contras does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he doesn't know where it came from.
Note: Topical to the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings.

Q: How many Contras does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One, but he needs one Iranian, one Israeli, four Canadians, and Arab, twenty Swiss, and Afghan, and Oliver North to help him.
Note: Topical to the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings.

Q: How many loggers does it take to change more...

Check it out! A strange coincidence.
If any of you remember the movie "Back to the Future II" you will recall that Bif goes to the future and steals a Sports Almanac, where in turn he goes back to the past to give it to young Bif. As we all know Young Bif was able to become very wealthy by betting on games where he already knew the final score.
In an obscure line you hear young Bif say "Florida is going to win the World Series in 1997, yeah right"
This movie came out in 1987, ten years before the Marlins did actually win the world series. And what's really weird is that Florida didn't even have a baseball team in 1987.

This is a true story happened in 1988, My mum had to help her friend of hers who was living out of the island to get her pension arrears. The good clerk at the pension department told my mum to get a layers letter saying that the pensioner is living, and she did so. But yet he refused to pay for 1987 on inquiering why he told that they need another letter saying that she was living in 1987. So finally my mum did get the second letter and got the pension.