Tribes Jokes / Recent Jokes

Do you know why the tribes of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years?
Because even then, men couldn't stop to ask directions.

Do you know why the tribes of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years? Because even then, men couldn't stop to ask directions.

The Washington Post
february 4, 1988
I Believe

This is more commentary than humor, but what the heck...


I believe the president. I have always believed him. I believed him when he said he had never been drafted in the Vietnam War and I believed him when he said he had forgotten to mention that he had been drafted in the Vietnam War. I believed him when he said he hadn't had sex with Gennifer Flowers and I believe him now, when he reportedly says he did.

I believe the president did not rent out the Lincoln Bedroom, did not sell access to himself and the vice president to hundreds of well-heeled special pleaders and did not supervise the largest, most systematic money-laundering operation in campaign finance history, collecting more than $ 3 million in illegal and improper donations. I believe that Charlie Trie and James Riady were motivated by nothing but patriotism for their adopted more...

Two tribes were visiting each other. The men were in council and the leader of one tribe, wishing to make conversation said, "I did not sleep well, last night." At this he put his hands to his head and gestured like horns. "A horned owl kept me awake." He said.At that the elders of the other tribes arose and came over to shake his hand. The man looked at his companion in surprise. "What did I say?"His friend said. "Well, I'm not sure, but I think you just gave away a beef!"