KFC Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A family mourns the loss of their son on September 11th,
    who died that day at a KFC.

    What does KFC and a woman have in common? Once you're done with the breasts and the thighs, there's still a greasy box to put your bone in.

    This story about me but when I'm 5 years old, now I'm 12 years old!
    'Dad.. dad.. I want a big cake for my birthday!' I screeched out of the window as my dad got in to the car!' I'm sorry honey, I haven't got any money left! I think your mom would make a big cake for you!' my dad replied.' Oh... Oh... OK! Then, mom... Mom... Can you make a cake for me please? Please...' I pleaded at my mom.' No! My darling, Oh! I'm so sorry that I couldn't! I couldn't even come to your birthday party, because I'm really busy on that day, I maen tomorrow!' my mom was really hesitated.' Fine, butmom... Never mind!' I gulped. I was really sad and soon as my dad arrived, I went to my dad and said Dad will you take me to KFC? Please...' I said.' Right away! Dress up mt sweet little girl I'm really hungry! Let's go and buy lots of foods! We can bring some to mom as well.' My dad was really happy to go to KFC but when I told him that I want a cake he said that he haven't got any money!' Uhh... Dad are more...

    During a Papal audience, a business man approached the Pope and made this offer:
    Change the last line of the Lord's prayer from "give us this day our daily bread" to
    "give us this day our daily chicken." and KFC will donate 10 million dollars to
    Catholic charities. The Pope declined. 2 weeks later the man approached the Pope
    again. This time with a 50 million dollar offer. Again the Pope delcined. A month
    later the man offers 100 million, this time the Pope accepts. At a meeting of the
    Cardinals, The Pope announces his decision in the good news/bad news format.
    The good news is... that we have 100 million dollars for charities. The bad news is
    that we lost the Wonder Bread account!

    Fast-food chain, KFC has announced to the public that it will no longer cook with trans-fats.

    The verdict is still out on KFC's intentions toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual fats.

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