Fond Jokes / Recent Jokes

Parents in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin have asked school officials to remove former U.S. poet laureate Maya Angelou's autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, from the high school curriculum.

English teachers and people who've read the First Amendment to the Constitution have responded by asking state officials to have Fond du Lac removed from Wisconsin.

Some suggested titles for Angelou's next book:
I Know Why I Never Went to Fond du Lac
I Know Why It's Illegal to Marry Your Cousin
No word yet on the parents request to have Michael Richards speak at graduation.

Knowing that the minister was very fond of cherry brandy, one of the church elders offered to present him with a bottle on one consideration - that the pastor acknowledge receipt of the gift in the church paper. "Gladly," responded the good man. When the church magazine came out a few days later, the elder turned at once to the "appreciation" column. There he read: "The minister extends his thanks to Elder Brown for his gift of fruit and for the spirit in which it was given."

ARIES WOMEN: Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. You'll have sex anywhere, you know what you want - intense and frequent sex, you have a need for complete control, but you're also in love with love. As a mate, you are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Biggest thrill - the tickle of a man's facial fuzz.

ARIES MEN: Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs - you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you'd better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before. His favourite position: a woman on her knees leaning forward.

TAURUS WOMEN: You expect your man to be kind and patient and make love to you by the book. Like to be pleased by sex, but don't look for unusual approaches. But you are a demanding lover and leave your more...