Bone Jokes / Recent Jokes

Your left lung is smaller in size than your right lung, it is like that in order to make room for your heart.
Until babies are six months old, they can breathe and swallow at the same time
Male human brains are about 10 percent heavier than female brains
Before 1800 there were no separately designed shoes for right and left feet
The glossy look to lipstick comes from fish scales, which are iridescent
To find out if a watermelon is ripe, knock it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ripe
Honey is used as a center for golf balls and in antifreeze mixtures
The original name for the butterfly was 'flutterby'
Your body weight is lower at 9 A.M. than at any other time of the day
The average person is about a quarter of an inch taller at night
40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals
Without any greenhouse effect, Earth would be cold more...

(Row Row Row Your Boat)
Roll, roll, roll your joint
twist it at the end,
take a puff,
that's enough and pass it to a friend.
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner playing with himself,
he stuck his thumb up his ass
and found his uncles underpants
and said "What a good boy am I"
Mary Mary quite contrary
shaved her pussy cause it was so damn hairy.
Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow
I live in a flat you fucking twat so how the fuck should I know
Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow
With wizz and e's and ganja trees and coke as white as snow
Mary had a little lamb her cow had B.S.E
Mary was a kiky slut and gave them H.I.V
Abraham Lincoln was a good old man.
He hopped out the window with his Dick in hand.
He said, "Excuse me ladies,
just doing my duty
so why not pull down your pants
and give me some booty."
Hickory Dickory more...

What do you call a skeleton lying in a bed?
Lazy bones!

A skeleton joke
What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend?
I love every bone in your body!

A werewolf joke
Why did the small werewolf bite the womans ankle?
Because he couldn’t reach any higher!

A werewolf joke
What happened when the werewolf chewed a bone for an hour?
When he got up he only had three legs!

A witch joke
What did one witch say to another when they left the cinema?
Do you want to walk home or shall we take the broom!

A witch joke
What makes more noise than an angry witch?
Two angry witches!

A skeleton joke
Why don’t skeletons play music in church?
They have no organs!

A skeleton joke
Why wasn’t the naughty skeleton afraid of the police?
Because he knew they couldn’t pin anything on him!

A search and rescue team had been assembled and sent on a mission to find an airplane that had crashed on top of a mountain. It was their duty to rescue any survivors. After finally reaching the top of the mountain, they came upon the crash site. At the site, one lone survivor sat with his back against a tree, chewing on a bone.

As he tossed the bone onto a huge pile of bones, he noticed the rescue team.' 'Thank God'', he cried out in relief.' 'I am saved!'' The rescue team did not move, as they were in shock, seeing the pile of human bones beside this lone survivor. Obviously he had eaten his comrades.

The Survivor saw the horror in their faces and hung his own head in shame.' 'You can't judge me for this,'' he insisted.' 'I had to survive. Is it so wrong to want to live?'' The leader of the rescue team stepped forward, shaking his head in disbelief.' 'I won't judge you for doing what was necessary to survive, but my God man, your plane only went down more...