Wrestling Jokes / Recent Jokes

A 400 pound man, drops from the school, gets himself an airplane ticket and boards the plane. He
seats himself in the first class cabin on a cross-country flight, and settles himself in for the
trip, snoring soundly as curious passengers seated around watch him.
Underway, a flight attendant soon approaches the man, wakes him up and says,' Sir, I'm sorry, but I
see that your ticket is for coach, and you're seated in first class I'm afraid you'll have to move."
The man replies, "I'm 400 pounds, and I'm a wrestler, and I'm going to New York to play professional
Slightly incredulous, the attendant alerts the senior flight attendant. The senior attendant
approaches the blonde and says, politely, "I'm sorry, Sir, but since your ticket is for coach you'll
have to move back." The man replies angrily, "I'm 400 pounds, and I'm a wrestler, and I'm going to
New York to play professional wrestling" and more...

Bob Barker recently hosted WWE's Monday Night Raw. Where he reminded America to get our wrestlers spayed and neutered.

Former wrestling coach thought congressman was teaching the boys some new holds.

So it seemed that Professional Wrestling had so much public image problems, and in this age of
political correctness, something had to be done to repair that image. Thus came the idea of a
Sensitivity Training Camp for Professional Wrestlers, deep in Smokey Mountains woods, far from any
human beings. After several hours, of driving on tough roads, the group had to continue the trip, on
foot for another day or so while mules carried the food and equipments for the group.
Two weeks later the Professional Wrestling Federation, invited reporters to interview the wrestlers
who were coming back from the camp. So, this reporter showed up and waited for the wrestlers who were
coming down the mountain.
He meets the Raging Bull, a 400 pound wrestler known for his vicious Death Chop. The reporter asked
him about the memorable events of the camp. After a bit of thought, the Raging Bull says, "Well,
there was this time a mule got lost, so me more...

Know what I learned? Kid Rock isn’t really that wrestler’s son. They aren’t even related! It’s a sad day when you can’t trust pro wrestlers anymore.

The wrestling superstar attended the Ocho Calle Latin festival in Miami two weekends ago, where her vocals were overshadowed by a spicy pole dance. The Hulkster stated that Brooke also has a pole at home that she practices on. Adding that she’s not allowed to use it too much because it’s the only pole in the trailer home that supports the roof.

* When you go to a Japanese restaurant, you start a “USA! USA! ” chant.
* When you girlfriend dumps you, you tell her she couldn’t “play with the big boys, ” and that she will never get past mid-card status.
* When you search and search the bible for the book of Austin.
* If you can actually remember Sting’s last public words.
* If on a job application, you state your residence as “parts unknown. ”
* If you quit your Job because you have to find your “Smile. ”
* When you’re getting beat up in a bar fight, but you honestly believe that with a little crowd support, you can turn this thing around.
* If you hit your co-worker in head with a chair while your manager is distracting him.
* When you look for Sting on the back of the milk carton during breakfast.
* When a guy steals your girl, you consider it an angle.
* When you rack your neighbor’s dog.
* When you attend a graduation, and yell “Ooooooh yeah! ” more...