Toddy Jokes / Recent Jokes

As far as i know you get 2 different kinds of Toddy here.
1. from coconut
2. from a particular type of palm
The toddy you get from coconut is tastes better. In some parts of kerala - like aleppy you get toddy in various flavours. I am not sure which all flavours since I never tried it personally.
And and. ..
You get toddy with various chemicals added. And they are known according to the chemical added to it. Ive read about the following varites. See these chemicals are injurious to health and God only knows what all are present in them. (these are illeagal chemicals.)
1. Anamayakki (ana = elephant. mayakkam = sleep )
it means something which make even an elephant sleep. (in malayalam) And there is a medicinal plant of the same name. Its said that even elephants avoid touching them as they are highly poisionous. I have seen this plant in an exibition.
2. esho messiah ( means jesus christ)
if u taste this you will sleep for 3 days and then more...

To meet an Englishman you should go to his castle, to meet a Mallu you should go to his (regular)kaLLu shaap(toddy bar)!

Having noticed the empty pot of toddy for several days, the owner hid nearby awaiting for the culprit. After some time a man quitely walked up to he coconut tree and climbed it and drank the collected sweet toddy in the pot and slowly climbed down.
Now that the culprit was caught red-handed the owner questioned why he climbed the coconut tree. Promptly the man rceplied, "to cut some grass." The angry owner said, "Fool! how can you get grass on a coconut tree?"
He replied, "That's why I am getting down."