The View Jokes / Recent Jokes

Chinese Americans are upset that Rosie O'Donnell said "Ching Chong" on "The View." Barbara Walters lamented, "Star Jones never would have said that, n*ggers aren't that stupid."

Russian Sergey Savelyev screamed at 116.8 decibels - roughly as loud as an ambulance siren - to win the individual competition. The team competition was won by the cast of The View.

In related news, Joan Rivers cancels big Democratic fund raiser.

Barbara Walters has approached acclaimed psychics Judi Hoffman, Char Margolis, Sylvia Browne and The Amazing Kreskin seeking assistance in finding a replacement co-host for the recently fired Star Jones Reynolds.
After carefully reading the stars and probing the future, they all concluded that the new co-host will definitely be of a darker hue.

With the recent below-expectation box office performances of "Miami Vice" and last summer’s "Dukes of Hazzard" and "Bewitched," industry insiders are suggesting that Hollywood stop rehashing old TV series for inspiration, as well as using former cast members for cameos.
Winners: The Viewing Public.
Losers: Dustin "Screech" Diamond, Marc "Skippy" Price and that Schneider guy from "One Day At A Time."