Steel Jokes / Recent Jokes

What do you call a dog with no back legs and balls of steel? Sparky

A motorist gets a flat tire and pulls over to the side of the road, where he proceeds to change over to the spare. Whilst removing the wheel, he drops the wheel nuts down the gutter drain. He has a fit and starts shouting obscenities.
Just off the roadway, another guy puts his head to a steel fence and calls out to the motorist, "What's up with you?"
The motorist tells him and the guy behind the fence says, "No problem. Just remove one nut from each of the other wheels and that should get you to the service station at the next town. Just be sure to drive slowly."
The motorist exclaims, "That's a brilliant idea!"
Just then, he notices a sign above the steel grilled fence which reads, "Happy Valley Funny Farm." "How come you can come up with such a great idea," he says to the guy behind the fence, "yet you're in the looney bin?"
To which the inmate replies, "I may be mad, but I'm not stupid!"

She has a mind like a steel trap - rusty and illegal in most places.

Merry Christmas! (Truth is stranger than fiction)
Roy Collette and his brother-in-law have been exchanging the same pair of pants as a Christmas present for 11 years - and each time the package gets harder to open. This year the pants came wrapped in a car mashed into a 3-foot cube. The trousers are in the glove compartment of a 1974 Gremlin. Now Collette's plotting his revenge--if he can get them out. It all started when Collette received a pair of moleskin trousers from his brother-in-law, Larry Kunkel of Bensenville, Ill. Kunkel's mother had given her son the britches when he was a college student. He wore them a few times, but they froze stiff in cold weather and he didn't like them. So he gave them to Collette. Collette, who called the moleskins "miserable", wore them three times, then wrapped them up and gave them back to Kunkel for Christmas the next year.

The friendly exchange continued routinely until Collette twisted the pants tightly, stuffed them more...

First, I was going to tell you about the wooden car that I built, with a wooden engine, but it wooden go.
Then, I built it out of steel, but it steel wooden go.
Finally, I built it out of tin; now it tin go!
I even put Italian tires on it. Dago through rain, dago through mud, dago through snow.
But, when dago flat, dago Wop, Wop, Wop!