Peta Jokes / Recent Jokes

Peta - People Eating Tasty Animals.

Scientists have recently come under criticism from PETA for using rats in research. Rats were used in earlier days of research because people didn't really care that rats suffered. PETA is now trying to convince science to use the Jonas Brothers instead.

At a recent PETA meeting, some members were discussing people they had seen wearing fur coats. Joan, a redhead, said, "Yesterday I saw a man wearing a fur coat and I wanted to yell at him about the cruelness of that coat!" Jack, a brown haired man, said, "I saw a woman wearing a fur coat three days ago and I almost launched into a lecture about animal treatment! If only people wouldn't do such things." Jan, a blond, said, "You wouldn't believe what I saw on my way here! A girl, dressed in fur from head to foot! It was unbelievable! I would've talked to her about cruelty to animals, but I was in the car. You wouldn't guess what she looked like."
"What?" Joan and Jack said in unison.
Jan said, "A golden retriever!"

If you are familiar with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), then you are aware of the fact they will do almost anything to protect animals. This year's efforts to save Ohio's deer from the annual statewide gun season has backfired.

For safety's sake, hunters in Ohio are required by law to display at least 400 square inches of hunter's blaze orange on their person when in the woods.

Capitalizing on the fact that hunters do not usually shoot orange, PETA recently bulk purchased blaze orange vests and have been affixing them to live-trapped deer in Youngstown suburbs. According to PETA spokesperson Katie Reese, a total of 405 vests were successfully put into circulation prior to this week, with additional specimens still being caught and vested. Youngtown entrepreneur Guy Lockey, of Guy's Outdoors has spit in the face of PETA by offering rewards for the returned vests this week.

Hunters who can successfully bag a vested deer can pay $5 more...

I love humans. I am certainly not a a spokesman for PETA, but is it really necessary to snag the rare giant octopus. As soon as there is something on this earth that we don't know everything about, we must find it, kill it, slice it open, see how it breeds, what it eats and count it's organs. Its the real reason we send rovers to Mars. Some NASA geek is hoping to god that there is life out there so they can catch it, disect it and see if it is edible and find out if it will cure a disease or two.