Mung Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A guy walks into a drugstore operated by a prudish woman.
    He asks, "Can I have a dozen condoms, miss?"
    "Don't miss me, mister."
    "Well then, you better make it 13."
    A traveling salesman walks into a bar and sees a farmer. "Can you give
    me a place to spend the night?" he asks.
    "You can sleep in the barn, says the farmer, but whatever you do, don't
    disturb my chicken."
    The salesman thanks him and pulls a duck out of his pocket, which immediately
    sits down and starts playing the piano.
    "We don't allow any farm animals in here," says the bartender.
    "Do you have any matches?" asks the salesman.
    "Sure," says the bartender.
    "Good," says the salesman, "now I can find the Mac truck and drive out."
    Doing so, the salesman takes the farmer home, and goes to the barn. Once
    there he sees this nest full of rice, which, for no good reason, he more...

    So there was this guy named Mung, right. He was a pretty miserable guy to start out with. Kids at school made fun of him, his mom made fun of him, even his dog wouldn't play with him. But there was some luck. One day, he met this girl who he thought was perfect for him. She was made fun of at school, too. because she had a lisp. But when he approached her, she spurned him. This upset him greatly. Even some girl who nobody liked didn't even like him. He was so upset that he decided to go jump off the local bridge. As he stood at the edge, thinking about his miserable life, the girl saw him standing there. In a last minute attempt to save a life, she shouted out, "Dun' go, Mung!" (Korean translation:' Butthole.") It was the last straw for poor Mung who plunged into the rive

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