Hamburger Jokes / Recent Jokes

What do hamburger workers say on Monday morning? Well, its back to the old grind!

How do you insult a hamburger patty? Call it a meatball!

How do you make a hamburger green? Find a yellow cheeseburger and mix it with a blue one!

How do you make a hamburger smile? Pickle it gently!

Once upon a time, there was a tribe of very hostile Indians who, upon catching a person on their land, would cut the person up and make a canoe out of them. One day, three men were walking through the woods when they wandered upon the canoe-making Indian's land. They were all caught and given one death wish. The man from Italy said, "I would like one last slice of pizza before I die." So he ate his pizza and was cut up and made into a canoe. The man from America said, "I would like one last hamburger before I die." So he ate his hamburger and was cut up and made a canoe. The last man asked for a fork. "What the hell - a fork??!!! Why the hell do you want a fuckin fork???" But they got him a fork, anyways. The man took the fork and began stabbing himself with it, saying, "YER NOT MAKIN A CANOE OUT OF ME!!!"

How was the hamburger murdered? First it was' rolled,' then smothered in onions

Is it proper to eat a hamburger with your fingers? No, you should eat your fingers separately!