Fucks Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day a farmer goes into town to see a vet to see if how to tell that his pigs are pregnant. The vet says that if there standing up in the morning there not pregnant, but if there rolling in the mud they are. So the farmer goes home and loads all of his pigs in the back of his pick-up and takes them all out in the woods and fucks them all once. Then he takes them home and unloads them in there pin. Afterwards he gets tired so goes to bed. The next morning he gets up and checks on the pigs and there standing up, so he takes them all out in the woods and fucks them all twice. Then goes home, quickly unloads them in there pin, and goes right to bed. The next morning, very tired, the farmer gets up to check on his pigs, but they are still standing. Again, he loads them in the truck, takes them to the woods, and fucks them three times. Then he takes them home, unloads them, and goes straight to bed. The next morning the farmer is so tired he can't even get out of bed, so he yells to his more...

Three explorers are captured by a tribe in the Amazon jungle. The chief is going to punish the intruders. He calls the first explorer to the front of the tribe and asks, "Death or Booka?!". Well the explorer doesn't want to die, so he opts for booka. The tribe starts screaming BOOKA! and dancing around. the cheif then rips the explorers pants off and fucks him in the ass.
The cheif calls the second explorer to the front and asks, "Death or Booka?!". Well not wanting to die either, he opts for booka. The tribe again starts screaming BOOKA! and dancing around. The cheif rips the second guys pants off and fucks him in the ass.
The chief calls the third explorer to the front and asks, "Death or Booka?!". Well the third guy has a little more self respect and thinks death would be better than being violated in front of hundreds of tribesman, so he opts for death. The chief turns to the tribe and screams "DEATH BY BOOKA!"

What do you call someone who fucks kids in the ass? A backdoor pedofile!

A guy walks up to this farmer and asks if he can stay in his barn for the night.
The farmer replies, "Sure you can. I only have four matches though. Also watch out for the four corners of the barn."
The man replies, "Thanks for the matches and the advice.
The farmer walks him to the barn and tells the man to have a goodnight and he will see him in the morning. The man says, "thanks" and goes in the barn.
He lights the first match and looks in the first corner. He sees a beautiful woman and goes over to the corner. He fucks her and the match goes out.
He lights the second match and looks in the second corner. Much to his surprise he sees an even more beautiful woman than the first. He fucks her and the match goes out.
He lights the third match and it goes out. He lights the last match and looks in the third corner. The woman standing in the third corner is even more beautiful than the other two. He fucks her and the match goes more...

Maori and samoan words have rather derogatory meanings when pronounced to our sri lankan ears.
Fakapapa - A person who fucks his dad
Pukehora - A thief inside the ass
Pukaki - Miss ass
Pukakava - Ate the ass
Pukakaapi - Eat my ass
Pukehori - scabies in the ass
pukakanava-Eating the ass
Aoteoroa -?
fakalofa-he who fucks a loaf of bread
fakatiti - fuck breasts
fakananu - fuck nanu
horikaka - eating hori
horikava - ate hori
horikanava - eating hori
horipapa - dad with hori
pukeamaru -pain in the ass
pukepapa - dad in the ass
pukemiri -?
pukekari - he who's got kari in ass
karipapa - dad with kari
fakaamaru - fuck pain
fakamaru - good fuck
pukekiri - milk in the ass
fakakiri - he who fucks milk
kiripanuvata - threadworms
kirimora - milk shark
kiriharaka - cow
papamaruva - he who killed his dad
hikipapa - dad with hiccups
kiriamaru -milk with more...