Favourite Jokes / Recent Jokes

Who was the burgers favourite all-time movie director? Sizzle B. DeMille!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire have fang decay?
He was always eating fangcy cakes!

A ghost joke
Where do Australian ghosts go on holiday?
Lake Eerie!

A vampire joke
Why did the vampire take up acting?
It was in his blood!

A ghost joke
What is a ghost’s favourite desert?
Knickerbocker ghouly!

A vampire joke
What is a vampire’s favourite fruit?
A neck-tarine!

A cannibal joke
Why won’t cannibals eat Frank Sinatra?
Because he’s always coming back!

A vampire joke
What is the American national day for vampires?
Fangsgiving day!

What is a horses favourite kind of party? A stall ball.

Whats a snakes favourite TV program? Monty Python!

What is a childss favourite type of Halloween candy? Lots a candy.

What is a hamburgers favourite story? Hansel and Gristle!

Hillary Clinton's favourite movie: Conspiracy theory.
Kenneth Star's favourite movie: I know what you did last summer.
Bill Clinton's favourite movie: Chasing Amy.