Discussion Jokes / Recent Jokes

Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant.
"I was in that new restaurant across the street," said one. "It's so clean! The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white. There is no dirt anywhere-it's so sanitary that the whole place shines."
"Please," said the other roach frowning. "Not while I'm eating!"

Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant."I was in that new restaurant across the street," said one. "It's so clean! The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white. There is no dirt anywhere-it's so sanitary that the whole place shines." "Please," said the other roach frowning. "Not while I'm eating!"

The Russian and the American presidents are walking along the beach. They start
discussing their submarines.
The Russian president says, "We recently have made much progress with our
submarines. They can now stay as long under water as yours, for one month."
The American president replies, "Do you not think that we also made progress?
Our submarines can now stay under water for two months."
Shortly after this discussion they hear some strange sound coming from the sea.
Suddenly a old fashioned looking submarine appears. A hatch opens and a
uniformed man appears, "Heil Hitler, meine Herren. Can you tell me whether the
war is already over?"

An eighth grade teacher was leading a discussion on the qualifications for being president of the United States. After the teacher commented that a person must be a natural-born citizen, one of the students raised her hand. "Does that mean that if you were born by Caesarean section that you can`t be president?"

Discussion group
A group of elderly Jewish men meet every Wednesday in Brent Cross for a coffee and a chat. They drink their coffee and then sit for hours discussing the world situation. Usually, their discussion is very negative.
One day, Moishe surprises his friends by announcing, loud and clear, “You know what? I’ve now become an optimist.”
Everyone is totally shocked and all conversation dries up.
But then Sam notices something isn’t quite right and he says to Moishe, “Hold on a minute, if you’re an optimist, why are you looking so worried?”
Moishe replies, “Do you think it’s easy being an optimist?”

Father O'leary and Rabbi Goldberg played chess each Wednesday in the park. The chess game usually included religious discussion and debate. This week the discussion turned to religious sins.
Rabbi Goldberg said, "In my religion it is forbidden to eat ham but I tried it once, just once, before I became a Rabbi."
Not to be outdone, Father O'leary admitted, "During seminary this beautiful young girl tempted me and I yielded to the lust of the flesh and had sex."
Across the chess board, the old Rabbi grinned, and with a chuckle said, "Better than ham, ain't it?"

Four friends whose careers were an architect, a surgeon, a politician and an anesthetist met regularly for a monthly discussion.

This month’s topic was whose profession was the oldest. The surgeon opened the discussion by stating that in the good book it says that the lord took a rib from Adam and created woman, that, my friends, requires the skill of a surgeon, the greatest of them all, so therefore it follows that my profession is the oldest.

Then the anesthetist looked at the surgeon and said my friend you have got it wrong, before surgery can take place the patient must be put to sleep, that requires the skills of an anesthetist, the greatest of them all so I claim that my profession is the oldest.

Then the architect looked at the surgeon and the anesthetist and countered them with the fact that before anything existed there was nothing but organized chaos, every thing had to be planned, blueprinted, and built, that my friends takes the skills of more...