Seder Jokes / Recent Jokes

Top 16 Passover Pickup Lines
16. Let's play 'bury the shank bone'.
15. Gefilte fish jelly makes great lubrication.
14. I hear that horseradish is an aphrodisiac.
13. Have you ever done it on a seder plate?
12. Maybe when Elijah comes, we can make it a threesome.
11. Let's make this night really different from all others nights.
10. Want to wander through my desert?
9. Nice Hagadah!!!
8. What's a girl like you doing at a seder like this?
7. Rabeinu, Moshe Rabeinu. OO7!
6. Would you like to play with my matzah balls?
5. Can I part your Red Sea?
4. There's no law against leavened _______!!!
3. I've got a Ramses in my pockets that wants to put you back into slavery!
2. May I climb your Mt. Sinai's?
1. Wanna look for MY afeikomen?

The phone call.
Morris calls his son in New York.
Morris says "Benny, I have something to tell you. However, I don`t want to discuss it. I`m merely telling you because you`re my oldest child, and I thought you ought to know. I`ve made up my mind, I`m divorcing your mother."
The son is shocked, and asks his father to tell him what happened.
"I don`t want to get into it. My mind is made up."
"But Dad, you just can`t decide to divorce Mum just like that after 54 years together. What happened?"
"It`s too painful to talk about it. I only called because you`re my son, and I thought you should know. I really don`t want to get into it anymore than this. You can call your sister and tell her. It will spare me the pain."
"But where`s Mum? Can I talk to her?"
"No, I don`t want you to say anything to her about it. I haven`t told her yet. Believe me it hasn`t been easy. I`ve agonised over it for several more...

Medical experts from London have published a paper that concludes that Seder participants should not eat both chopped liver and choroses. Their research shows that if they do, it can lead to Charoses of the Liver.