Museum Jokes / Recent Jokes

Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turnedto an attendant standing nearby." This," she said, "I suppose, is one of thosehideous representations you call modern art?" "No, madam," replied the attendant. "That one's called a mirror."

The Director of the Scottish Tartans Museum, Dr Michael MacDonaldwas in America. An old lady fixed her gaze on his 17th Centurysporran and asked, "What, exactly, do you keep in your scrotum?"

A show business museum in Hollywood is presenting an exhibit on the career of the late and great actor John Wayne. One of the featured items is a pair of brownish colored gravestones bearing his name, date of birth, and the titles of his most memorable movies. The museum has decided to call the exhibit,. ..' The Amber Graves of Wayne.' (By Steve Page)

Q: What did King Tut say to the museum?
A: I want my mummy!

Q: What did King Tut say to the museum? A: I want my mummy!

The first Secretary General of the UNO was Trygve Lie
The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was Federick Auguste Bartholdi
The port of Banku is situated in Azerbaijan
John F.Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harry Oswald
The largest river in France is Loire
The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was
Catherine of Aragon
The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was
Ralph Johnson Bunche
The first British University to admit women for degree courses was London University
The principal export of Jamaica is sugar
New York is popularly known as the City of Skyscrapers
Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves
The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand
The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is Korea
The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan
The highest more...

A visitor at the Royal Tyrell Museum asks a museum employee: "Can you tell me how old the skeleton of that T-Rex is?"
"It is precisely 60 million and three years, two months, and eighteen days old."
"How can you know that with such precision?!"
"Well, when I started working here, one of the scientists told me that the skeleton was 60 million years old - and that was precisely three years, two months, and eighteen days ago..."