Brett Favre threw six touchdowns as the Jets rolled over the Cardinals 56-35. New York got off to such a huge lead that even the Mets bullpen could have held it. The Mets are currently selling their Shea Stadium dugout for $100,000. They're also selling their bullpen for 87 cents.

Brett Farve announced last week that he will be returning for his 17th NFL season. And just to give you an idea of how much the country has changed since Farve came into the league – In 1990, Bush was President, Clinton was getting ready to run for office, we were at war in Iraq…Actually, nothing's really changed at all.

A Wisconsin boy who wore a Brett Favre jersey everyday for four straight years has finally taken it off. Too bad – just three years shy of John Madden's record. When asked what he plans to do now, the boy said he might consider having a friend.

So we all have a clear understanding of Brett Favres' definition of "Retired" means 2 to 3 weeks of vacation!

...what it would be like to throw to the Vikings offense instead of their "D".