Heez Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    I heard this one on the radio, offered up by a Cajun cafe owner in Louisiana, so read it with a French Cajun accent... Leetle Jean and heez father lived down on zee bayou. Jean wuz a very strong boy for all of heez ten years of age. One day Jean's papa asked Jean if he wuz zee one who had pooshed their outhouse into zee waters of zee bayou.
    "Oh, no, Papa. I deed not do it!" say zee boy.
    Now, Jean's papa knew that zee boy had a mean streak, and being zee strong youngun that he wuz, he wuz certain that Jean must have done zee deed.
    He says: "Jean, now I really want you to tell me zee truth. Did you tip zee outhouse into zee bayou?"
    "Oh, no, Papa. I wouldn't do that!" say leetle Jean.
    Then Jean's Papa decides he must somehow win Jean's confidence to tell zee truth. He tells him zee following story.
    "Jean, oncest upon a time, our first president, George Washington, wuz a leetle boy jus' like you. One day heez papa asked heem more...

    The night before Chreemas, on Thorsday I theenk,
    I go to cantina to geet me a dreenk.
    I dreenk saam tequila, I dreenk eet too fast,
    Preety damn queek, I fall on my ass.

    I peek myself up and go home to bed,
    I pool the cobija up ober my head.
    Early next morning, or late een the night,
    I heer such damn recket, I theenk eet's a fight.

    I geet outta bed, I don feel very well,
    My head ees too beeg, eet hort me like hell.
    I go to the weendow, I don believe what I see,
    A pot-bellied greengo, as plain as can be.

    I looook at heez ropa, ees all colored red,
    He got heem some chivos tied on to a sled.
    I yella and I holler, "Hey, move your fat ass,
    Your chivos--they chit on my grass!"

    He torn to heez goats, he say just one word,
    And them damn chivos chomp in the air like a bord.
    They corcle around, and then queek as a mouse,
    He land that damn sled on top of my more...

    I heard this one on the radio, offered up by a Cajun cafe owner in Louisiana, so read it with a French Cajun accent...
    Leetle Jean and heez father lived down on zee bayou. Jean wuz a very strong boy for all of heez ten years of age. One day Jean's papa asked Jean if he wuz zee one who had pooshed their outhouse into zee waters of zee bayou.
    "Oh, no, Papa. I deed not do it!" say zee boy.
    Now, Jean's papa knew that zee boy had a mean streak, and being zee strong youngun that he wuz, he wuz certain that Jean must have done zee deed.
    He says: "Jean, now I really want you to tell me zee truth. Did you tip zee outhouse into zee bayou?"
    "Oh, no, Papa. I wouldn't do that!" say leetle Jean.
    Then Jean's Papa decides he must somehow win Jean's confidence to tell zee truth. He tells him zee following story.
    "Jean, oncest upon a time, our first president, George Washington, wuz a leetle boy jus' like you. One day heez papa asked heem more...

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