Folder Jokes / Recent Jokes

Three Blondes were all applying for the last available position on the Texas Highway Patrol.

The detective conducting the interview looked at the three of them and said,
"So y'all want to be cops, huh?"

The blondes all nodded.

The detective got up, opened a file drawer and pulled out a folder.
Sitting back down, he opened it and pulled out a picture, and said,
"To be a detective, you have to be able to detect. You must be able to notice
things such as distinguishing features and oddities, such as scars and so forth."

So saying, he stuck the photo in the face of the first blonde and withdrew it after about two seconds.
"Now," he said, "did you notice any distinguishing features about this man?"

The blonde immediately said, "Yes, I did. He has only one eye!"

The detective shook his head and said, "Of course he has only one eye in this more...

There were four men at a golf club playing a normal game.One man went to the bathroom.
The first guy says "my son is so successful
being a stock broker, he evn gave a stock folder away for free.The second man says" my son is so successful being a house salesman, that he gave a house away for free" the third man says" my son is so successful being a cars saleman that he gave a car away for free".the forth man came back from the bathroom and the other guys asked how well his son is doing.The man says"my son is gay but he is doing really great he just got a stock folder a house and a car.

Sweet Cravings: Not only does it clean out the Cookies folder, but it orders pints of Ben and Jerry's from when you're not there.
Morning Sickness: Hard drive makes retching sounds every a.m. and then crashes.
Temper, Temper: Error messages change from warnings such as "Unexpected Application Error" to "What the Hell Do You Think You're Doing?"
Party Time: Windows Registry throws a baby shower.
May I Help You?: Perky, animated paper clip changes to a perky, animated diaper pin.
Pastel PC: Desktop is redecorated in blue and pink tones.
Growing Pains: Unidentified file in Config folder keeps getting bigger every day.
Time's Up: Biological clock in lower right-hand corner finally stops ticking.
Child-Bearing Hips: Windows PC starts to look suspiciously like an oh-so-rounded iMac.
New Operating System: OS/Gyn.
(From CNET - 31 Aug 2000)

We have a big intern public folder at work, where all interns can post items and discussions, I found this is very amusing:
Intern 1: Does anyone know where and how we can access a high quality scanner and maybe even a photo quality 300dpi printer on campus?
Intern 2: Translation: Does anyone know where I can get access to the necessary equipment for making a fake ID?
Intern 3: Don't jump to conclusions. He could just as well want it to scan pornographic images.
Intern 4: Yes! The past few posts have made it perfectly clear! Intern 1 plans to scan pornographic images onto false identification cards! This will allow him and his friends to:
1) Get into bars
2) Improve the quality of their appearance
3) Give bouncers something to look at besides a smug photo
4) Distract bouncers from the scotch tape edges What a brilliant marketing move! Where can I buy stock in this venture, Intern 1?