Echo Jokes / Recent Jokes

The Rocky Mountains are very big and far apart. It takes a long time for an echo to bounce back off one of these mountains. One night, a camper in the Rockies went to sleep early. But before climbing into his sleeping bag he yelled,' Time to get up.' And eight hours later the echo came back and woke him up!

Anand went to a world-famous "Echo Point" and hollered "Hallobo!" To his surprise, there was no reply. He again shouted "Hellooo!" this time with all his might. Back came a reply "Thank you for shouting. Your shout is important to us. At present all our echoes are busy replying to other shouters. Please hold on. Your shout will be replied to very shortly."

When I shake your head, all I hear is echo echo echo...

A duck's quack does not echo. Chuck Norris is solely responsible for this phenomenon. When asked why he will simply stare at you, grimly.