Converted Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Spring Valley, NY police responding to a fire found a bus that had been converted into a supersized oven for passover matzos.

    I don't know how the rest of my fellow Jews feel, but I think converting anything into an oven sort of mocks our history just a tiny bit.

    Moe: My wife converted me to religion.Joe: Really? Moe: Yes. Until I married her I didn't believe in hell.

    Two men are sent before a judge on drug related charges. Rather than sending them to jail, the judge decides that it would be better to sentence them to community service. The judge tells the men that they are to go out into the community and spread the word as to the dangers of drugs. In 30 days they are to come back before him, and report to the court how many people they have reformed.
    Thirty days go by and the men are back in the courtroom. The judge asks the first man how many people he's freed from the dangers of drugs?"
    "I converted 133" the man answered.
    When the judge asked how he'd accomplished this, the man replied, "Simple, I drew them this picture and told them:
    O - This is your brain
    o - This is your brain on drugs"
    The second man said, "Well, I converted 275 people"
    Amazed the judge asked how he'd accomplished such a feat.
    The man said, "Simple, I drew them this picture and told them:
    o - This more...

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