Cheapest Jokes / Recent Jokes

A smile is the cheapest way to improve your looks, even if your teeth are crooked.

Q; Whats the cheapest meat you can buy???
A; Deer balls, their under a buck!!!

The cheapest way to have your family tree traced is to run for a public office.

A group of college classmates were sitting around lamenting the cost of long distance phone service and debating the relative advantages of Sprint, AT&T and MCI.
"I checked all of those out, but I've found CTC to be the cheapest plan around," said one student.
"CTC? I've never heard of them. Who are they?" another asked.
"You know," the student responded, "Call Them Collect!"

Elderly Man Sued for Stopping at Stop Sign
September 9, 2002 - Atlanta, USA
In a case possibly first of its kind, 67 year old Arthur Thompson is being sued by 32 year old Lynn Manaouski for stopping at a 4-way stop sign. In her statement she described how she came up to the intersection leading into her downtown condo, and rear ended the driver in front of her due to his 'complete and full stop'. She continues to say that of the almost 2 years of living in that particular condominium complex, she had not once been behind someone who had made a full stop at the stop sign, and that his inability to be 'consistent with typical driving patterns' caused the accident. As a result, she is convinced that Mr. Thompson is directly responsible for the accident and should be held accountable for all incurred costs of repair to both vehicles. When reminded that it is the law to make a complete stop at a stop sign, her abrupt response was "I am quite capable of deciding when it is a more...