Senseless Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Republican Congressman Chuck Hagel is urging the President to find a new strategy in Iraq. “The American people are not going to continue to support a policy that puts American troops in the middle of a civil war,” Hagel said.on CNN’s Late Edition.

    He also added, “If there’re senseless killing going on in Iraq, it’s gonna be Americans doing the senseless killing. Otherwise, we gotta get out.”

    After big tragedies the net often swims with humor about the people and event involved. Some people think this is a healing process, others find it in bad taste.

    WARNING: DO NOT READ If think you might be offended by Sonny Bono death jokes.


    What do Cher and a 50 year old Redwood have in common?
    They both got nailed by Sonny Bono. .

    What's the difference between Al Gore and Sonny Bono?
    One's a tree-hugging stiff...
    and the other's a tree-hugging stiff.

    That makes it...
    TREES. ........ 2
    Celebrites. ... 0

    Death by snow:
    Michael Kennedy,
    Sonny Bono,
    Chris Farley

    What was the most surprising thing about the discovery of Sonny's body?
    That he was recognized.

    Why did Sonny die in a ski accident?
    After being a mayor and a congressman, he wanted to be a Kennedy.

    Police reported it was a quick more...

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