Samba Jokes / Recent Jokes

James Bond: "My name is Bond" Continuing in his inimitable style, "... James Bond."
Then Bond asks: "And you?"
Telugu Guy: "My name is Rao...
Siva Rao...
Samba Siva Rao...
Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Vijayawada Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao..."
Since then when anyone asks Bond his name he simply says "James Bond"

* Checking hair between tunes $15
* Experimenting with odd meters $25
* Missing root at end of blistering fill $25
* Playing with a pick $50
* Tuning during ballad $30
* Playing Jaco groove on samba $75
* Playing Jaco samba groove on ballad $150
* Attempting last word on final chord $50
* Achieving last word on final chord $100
* Long gliss down to final note $200

A drummer sits behind the drumset and the band leader says, "Can you play a samba pattern with your bass drum?"
The drummer obliges with a quick "boom b boom" samba pattern.
The band leader then asks, "Can you add a Mozambique cowbell pattern along with that with your right hand?"
The drummer thinks to himself, "I can do that, no problem" and obliges, giving it his best Steve Gadd possible. He is then told, "Now add a 2/3 clave with your left foot on the hi hat."
The drummer's struggling a bit with this one but finally works it out and stiffins his back, all proud of himself.
Next he hears, "Now add a cascara pattern on the snare with your left hand." Years of studying Gary Chester books and listening to world music finally come to fruition and the relieved drummer finds he can play the whole pattern with no problem.
Pleased with himself, he asks the band leader "So, do I get the more...