Publisher Jokes / Recent Jokes

Copying an idea from an author is plagiarism. Copying many ideas from many authors is research.

Anyone who believes you can't change history has never tried to write his memoirs.

From the moment I picked your book up until I put it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.

I find television very educational. Every time someone switches it on I go into another room and read a good book.

How many publishers does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to change it and two to hold down the author.

How many editors does it take to change a light bulb?
"Do we have to get author's approval for this?"
Two, one to change the bulb and one to issue a rejection slip to the old bulb.

How many proofreaders does it take to change a light bulb?
Proofreaders aren't supposed to change light bulbs. They should just query them.