Fox News Jokes / Recent Jokes

Sources close to the negotiations say that if Obama will agree to be interviewed, Fox News headquarters will allow an inspection of their nuclear program.

If you thought Fox's new O.J. special was the lowest they could go, you're very wrong. Here are some shows Fox will soon be premiering on a crying, melting television near you.

"The Right To Life Movement's Funniest Home Videos"

"Down Syndrome Dance Party"

“I Married Al Qaeda”

“The Littlest Dominatrix”

“Crystal Meth Makeovers”

"Geraldo Interrogates A Cripple To Death"

"What If JonBenet Lived Long Enough To Grow Up And Eventually Went Wild"

"Bill O'Reilly's Love Chat"

Miss Teen South Carolina Lauren Upton has announced that she does, in fact, know how to find the US on a map.

Fox News then withdrew their offer to Ms. Upton of a news anchor job, citing her as "overqualified."

Evil sex crazed page uses Alcohol to corrupt innocent Congressman.

(Below) Irish News Anchor Ann Doyle discussing downed power lines in a Dublin suburb. If you don’t understand what’s going on it's your problem

(Below) Average Fox News headline reaching out to the lowest common intellectual denominator. If you don’t understand what’s going on there is no hope for you

Variety reported today that Fox News Channel has updated their Facebook page with an enhanced video player. They also announced to their'friends' that they have filled out a survey, discovered which celebrities they most resemble and have started an on-line mafia for all to join. God Bless America.

Fox News correspondent David Lee Miller, reporting from Gaza, was shot at by Israeli forces. Israeli Prime Minister Ehmud Olbert issued an apology for missing.