Edu Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Twas the night before finals and all through the lab
    Not a student was sleeping, not even McNabb.
    Their projects were finished, completed with care
    In hopes that the grades would be easy (and fair).
    The students were wired with caffeine in their veins
    While visions of quals nearly drove them insane.
    With piles of books and a brand-new highlighter,
    I had just settled down for another all-nighter --
    When out from our gateways arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter
    Away to the console I flew like a flash
    And logged on as root to fend off a crash
    The windows displayed on my brand new Sun-3
    Gave oodles of info -- some in 3-D.
    When, what to my burning red eyes should appear
    But dozens of "nobody" jobs. Oh dear!
    With a blitzkrieg invasion, so virulent and firm,
    I knew in a moment. It was Morris's Worm!
    More rapid than eagles his processes came
    And they more...

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