Burnette Jokes

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    theres a blonde a burnette and a redhead they are trapped on an island. they find a magic lamp so they rub it they get 3 wishes. the redhead wishes to go home to her friends and poof she goes home. then the burnette wishes to go home to her family and her wish is granted. the blonde is sitting there and she gets bored so she wishes her friends back and her wish is granted.

    One day a burnette and a blond lady were walking through the park. All-of-a-sudden, the burnette stops and says "Awe, look at the poor dead birdy."
    The blond looks up and says "Where!?"

    One day a burnette and a blond lady were walking through the park. All-of-a-sudden, the burnette stops and says "Awe, look at the poor dead birdy." The blond looks up and says "Where!?"

    One day a burnette goes to a preacher and says, "I have commited a sin."
    Preacher: what was it.
    Burnette: I stabbed a man to death.
    Preacher: go drink some holy water and your sins will be forgiven.
    Later a redhead goes to the preacher and says, "I have commited a sin."
    Preacher: what was it.
    Redhead: I pushed a man of a cliff.
    Preacher: go drink some holy water and your sins will be forgiven.
    later a blonde goes to the preacher and says "I have commited a sin."
    preacher: what was it.
    blonde: I peed in the holy water that they are drinking.

    A blonde, burnette, and a redhead are stranded on an island and, they predicted that the island was about 20 miles away.So the burnette decides she could do it, so she starts swimming, she swims 5 miles gets tired,10 miles and drowns. The redhead decided if the brunette could make it she could.So she starts swimming, she swims, 10 miles, gets tired,15 miles and drowns.The blonde decided if they could make it then she could, so she starts swimming, she swims 15 miles, 19 miles, gets tired and swims back.

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