Bubble Jokes / Recent Jokes

How does a man take a bubble bath?
He eats beans for dinner.

A guy gets a new job at a bubble gum shop. One day a guy comes in and asks, "How much is your gum?" So the guy replies, "I don't know." The customer walks out and the manager comes in and says, "You should of said 50 cents."
Another customer comes in and asks, "How much is your gum?" The guy says, "50 cents." Then the customer asks, "Is it fresh," and the guy answers, "I don't know." The customer walks out and the manager comes in and says, "You should have said yes, very very fresh."
So another customer comes in and says, "How much is your gum?" The guys answers, "50 cents." Then the customer asked if it's fresh, to which the guy answers, "Yes very very fresh." The customer then asks, "Should I buy it?" The guy answers, "I don't know." The customer walks out and the manager comes in and says to the guy, "You better do it before somebody else more...

A new lady teacher, came to teach 8th standard students. As it was the first day, she gave her intro, and asked all the students to introduce themselves with -name, and hobby.
She said " Let's start with the boys first. Boys start giving their intro. First boy: " My name is john, and my hobby is to see bubble in the bath tub. " Teacher was confused to listen and said "intresting - well, ok. In fact we must be honest in telling the hobby. And after all there is essentially a child in each of us. So its ok john. Yes next-"
Second boy: " My name is Peter and my hobby is to see bubble in the bath tub" Teacher now got surprised and said " gooodd.. I like the spirit of supporting a friend. ok next - " Third boy: I'm smith and my hobby is to see bubble in the bath tub " Teacher: " guys are you joking or what? Please be sincere. Ok next - " This continues, and the last boy stands up: I m Herry, and my hobby is to see bubble more...

A Canadian was in France, out of his wallet he removed a stick of gum he had from the airport in Canada and started to chew it. He walked into a French coffee shop and sat himself beside an English speaking French man.
Frenchman: In Canada, what do you do with your used tires?
Canadian: We send 'em to France to get turned into paper plates.
French man: What do you do with your used plastic bags?
Canadian: (after blowing a huge bubble) We send 'em to France to get turned into picket fences. Hey, what do you do with your used crazy glue?
French man: We send it to Canada to get turned into bubble gum!

What dog loves to take bubble baths? A shampoodle!

Fewer bubbles per square yard
Bubbles used to contain oxygen - now cheaper imitation oxygen
Due to production delays the 2002 models won't be out until March
No more paying for product placement like the big bubble wrap scene in the upcoming "Star Wars" movie
Can not afford full-page newspaper ads attacking styrofoam peanuts
Bubble wrap no longer shipped in the bubble wrap to prevent damage
Switched to lower grade plastic which makes more of a "puh"
Now when you're put on hold, you hear top 40 music instead of romantic bubble wrap ballads
Employees' Christmas bonus? Bubble wrap
During business trips executives must now pay for hookers out of their own pocket
©MMI, Viacom Internet Services Inc.

These are all from my experiences. That's why they're funny.
1. You build a miniature boat out of a hostess box, water bottles, and duct tape, and float it down a river seven times.
2. You buy a headlamp, move it in circles on the wall, and say it follows wherever my head goes.
3. You make a hand with some sticks, a plastic soda bottle lid, some bugs, and a magnifying glass.
4. You pop each and every bubble on bubble wrap... in random order.
5. You line up thirteen megaphones just to see what it would do.