Brooklyn Jokes / Recent Jokes

Isaac and Hymie were two tired Brooklyn businessmen who wereordered to take a Caribbean cruise by their doctors. The second nightout on the way to Martinique they were leaning against the rail, looking at the big bright tropical moon on the sea, really startingto unwind. Suddenly the rail broke and both Jews fell screaming into theocean. They came up gasping and spluttering and saw the ship sailingaway from them into the darkness. As Isaac had fallen overboard he hadmanaged to grab a life preserver, and now he clung to it, desperatelytreading water. "Hyman!" he called out, "Hyman, can you float alone?""Oy vay!" called out Hymie from the dark waters. "Vat a time totalk business!"

A woman driving in Brooklyn stopped her car for a red light. However, when the light turned green again, she just stayed right where she was. When the light had changed several times and she still hadn`t moved, the traffic policeman finally went over to her and inquired politely, "What`s the matter, lady, ain`t we got no colors you like?"

A Brooklyn school on Wednesday launched a new program that rewards schoolchildren with free cell phones for good grades.

One small problem – instead of Motorola Razors, they accidentally got the kids in Brooklyn actual razors. Ouch.

Did you hear about the Brooklyn bubblebrain who was two hours late for work because the escalator got stuck?