Snooker Jokes / Recent Jokes

Why has she got snooker balls in her socks
Grampa thats nans tits

Q. Why did the snooker player go to the toilet?
A. To pot the brown.

Why do actors like snooker halls? Because thats where they get their best cues.

How do make a snooker table laugh? Place your hands in its pockets and tickle its balls.

A man in a bar goes to he counter and says to the barman "i'll bet you $200 that i can piss into that glass over there (5 meters away) without spilling a thing"
The barman says "thats impossible, u cant do it"
The man says "yes i can"
Thinking that its the easiest $200 he's ever made he says "ok go ahead"
The man takes out his tool and starts pissing all over the bar and all over the people at the counter and ALL OVER THE BARMAN
The barman then says "i told u you couldn't do it now give me my money"
The man says "just wait one minute" and goes over to some guys playing snooker and whispers something and then he comes back and hands the barman his $200 with a smile on his face
The barman says to him "you just lost $200 why are you smiling"
The man says "before i came over here i bet those guys by the snooker table $500 that i can piss all over the bar and the barman and not only more...