Plugs Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A knockout young lady decided she wanted to get rich quick. So she proceeded to find herself a rich 73 year old man, planning to screw him to death on their wedding night. The courtship and wedding went off without any problem, in spite of the half- century age difference. On the first night of her honeymoon, she got undressed, and waited for him to come out of the bathroom to come to bed. When he emerged, however, he had nothing on except a rubber to cover his 12 inch erection, and he was carrying ear plugs and a pair of nose plugs. Fearing her plan had gone amiss, she asked, "What are those for?" The old man replied, "There are just two things I can't stand: the sound of a woman screaming... and the smell of burning rubber!"

    1. Bicycle handle grips.
    2. French tickler animals.
    3. Shower caps for people with tiny heads.
    4. Put one on a light bulb for mood lighting.
    5. Fill one with helium and tie a note to it.
    6. Get 1000 and make a submarine.
    7. Put one over the showerhead to surprise Dad.
    8. Put 'em on your cat's feet to keep it from climbing the curtains.
    9. Blow a bunch up and tie them to the cars outside a wedding.
    10. Put one on your nose and be Bobo the clown.
    11. Water wings for those non-swimmers.
    12. Use 500 of them to spell out "We Want Women!!" on your house.
    13. Jello molds.
    14. Finger puppets.
    15. A wind sock.
    16. Use as a bobber when fishing.
    17. Put them on soda cans to keep the fizz in when you're not drinking it.
    18. Practical joke: Put one on an exhaust pipe.
    19. Suspenders.
    20. Recycle as a Burger King ketchup baggie. (or would mayonnaise be better?)
    21. Small animal muzzle.
    22. Put them on your more...

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