M-16 Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Admit it. You've threatened to shoot your computer monitor with a M-16 before. Maybe it wasn't a M-16. Well, I finally decided to take up on my threat. But I couldn't get a hold of an M-16. Apparently my criminal record played a part. I had to make do with a baseball bat. Busting my monitor open wasn't as fullfilling as I had hoped. So I dropped it out of a window at a car. Even though I missed, I had fun. The ride to the police station was fun, too, but the sirens are loud.

    Just before the final bell rings, a third grade teacher gives her students a project. "Okay class," the teacher says, "I would like you to talk with your parents tonight and ask them to tell you a story that has a moral to it and share it with the rest of the class."
    The following day, class begins and the teacher tells her students that it's time to tell their stories. She calls on Beth first.
    Beth stands up and says, "My family raises chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs and were counting on all of them to hatch so we could sell them, but only eight hatched."
    "What's the moral, Beth?" the teacher asks.
    "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched," Beth answers.
    The teacher then calls on Wendy.
    Wendy stands and says, "My family raises chickens for the market too, but we only sell the eggs. One day we put our eggs in a large basket but while we were driving to the market, we hit a big more...

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